NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Crescent Moon Occultation)


浏览次数: 17

2月22日,日落时分,年轻的月亮与黄道面上明亮的金星和木星分享了西方的天空。这个美丽的天合在地球周围都可以看到。但木星在某些地方隐藏了一段时间,被新月盘遮挡。在乌拉圭萨克拉门托Colonia del Sacramento的Río de la Plata上,这颗太阳系的气态巨行星在消失在月球黑暗边缘之前被捕捉到。在宁静的河流和天空中,金星并不那么害羞,在逐渐消失的暮色中,它在接近地平线的地方明亮地闪耀着。下周,金星和木星将在你的夜空中出现得更近。


On February 22, a young Moon shared the western sky at sunset with bright planets Venus and Jupiter along the ecliptic plane. The beautiful celestial conjunction was visible around planet Earth. But from some locations Jupiter hid for a while, occulted by the crescent lunar disk. The Solar System's ruling gas giant was captured here just before it disappeared behind the Moon's dark edge, seen over the Río de la Plata at Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. In the serene river and skyscape Venus is not so shy, shining brightly closer to the horizon through the fading twilight. Next week Venus and Jupiter will appear even closer in your evening sky.
