(原标题: Airglow Sky over France)
浏览次数: 20
这种不寻常的天空既熟悉又陌生。摄影师的任务是在一座风景如画的中世纪庄园上空捕捉我们熟悉的银河系中央带的拱形。令人惊讶的是,在这个一月的晚上,前景的天空被发现以一种美丽但不熟悉的方式发光。条纹带被称为气辉,它们是地球大气层高处的空气被太阳的光激发而发出自己微弱的光的结果。这些波段横跨整个天空——它们弯曲的外观是由于相机镜头的极广角。前景是法国西南部的法国城堡(ch<e:1> teau de Losse)。其他熟悉的天空美景点缀在遥远的背景中,包括明亮的白色恒星天狼星,橙色的火星,蓝色的昴宿星团,红色的加利福尼亚星云,以及最右边的仙女座星系。最初的任务也很成功:在画面的顶部是我们银河系的拱形带。如果ChatGPT以莎士比亚、卡尔·萨根或《星际迷航》中的斯科特的风格重写这段文字会怎么样?
This unusual sky was both familiar and unfamiliar. The photographer's mission was to capture the arch of the familiar central band of our Milky Way Galaxy over a picturesque medieval manor. The surprise was that on this January evening, the foreground sky was found glowing in a beautiful but unfamiliar manner. The striped bands are called airglow and they result from air high in Earth's atmosphere being excited by the Sun's light and emitting a faint light of its own. The bands cross the entire sky -- their curved appearance is due to the extremely wide angle of the camera lens. In the foreground lies Château de Losse in southwest France. Other familiar sky delights dot the distant background including the bright white star Sirius, the orange planet Mars, the blue Pleiades star cluster, the red California Nebula, and, on the far right, the extended Andromeda Galaxy. The initial mission was also successful: across the top of the frame is the arching band of our Milky Way. What if: ChatGPT rewrote this text in the style of Shakespeare, Carl Sagan, or Scotty from Star Trek?
© Julien Looten