NASA 天文图片日历


LHS 475 b:地球大小的系外行星

(原标题: LHS 475 b: Earth-Sized Exoplanet)


浏览次数: 20

如果你能站在系外行星LHS 475 b上,你会看到什么?没有人知道确切的答案,但这张照片是一个基于地球的人工智能(AI)引擎做出的有趣猜测。这颗系外行星的存在是在绕地轨道运行的TESS卫星拍摄的数据中发现的,但直到今年才被近地太阳轨道运行的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜证实并进一步调查。可以确定的是,LHS 475 b的质量与我们的地球非常相似,并在40光年外紧密地围绕一颗小红恒星运行。人工智能的猜测描绘了一个看似崎岖不平的类似地球的景观,充满了熔岩,中央的红星在远处升起。然而,韦伯的数据还没有揭示LHS 475 b是否有大气层。韦伯的科学目标之一是跟进之前发现的遥远系外行星,以更好地识别它们发展生命的潜力。彗星ZTF画廊:值得注意的提交给APOD


If you could stand on exoplanet LHS 475 b, what might you see? No one knows for sure but pictured here is an interesting guess made by an Earth-based artificial intelligence (AI) engine. The existence of the exoplanet was indicated in data taken by the Earth-orbiting TESS satellite but confirmed and further investigated only this year by the near-Earth Sun-orbiting James Webb Space Telescope. What is known for sure is that LHS 475 b has a mass very similar to our Earth and closely orbits a small red star about 40 light years away. The featured AI-illustrated guess depicts a plausibly rugged Earth-like landscape replete with molten lava and with the central red star rising in the distance. Webb data does not as yet reveal, however, whether LHS 475 b has an atmosphere. One of Webb’s science objectives is to follow up previous discoveries of distant exoplanets to better discern their potential for developing life. Comet ZTF Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD
