(原标题: Stars, Dust, Pillars, and Jets in the Pelican Nebula)
浏览次数: 15
鹈鹕星云中出现了什么黑暗结构?总的来说,这个星云看起来像一只鸟(鹈鹕),朝向另一只鸟的星座:天鹅座,一只天鹅。但在鹈鹕星云内部,是一个被新恒星照亮并被黑暗尘埃污染的地方。烟雾大小的尘埃颗粒最初是在年轻恒星的低温大气中形成的简单碳化合物,但被恒星风和爆炸分散。右侧的HH 555恒星发射出两束令人印象深刻的赫比格-哈罗喷流,这些喷流正在帮助摧毁包含它的光年尘埃柱。其他柱子和喷流也可见。这张特色图片是经过科学着色的,以强调星云中主要由轻元素氢和氦组成的少量重元素发出的光。鹈鹕星云(IC 5067和IC 5070)距离我们大约2000光年远,可以用小型望远镜在明亮的天津四东北方向找到。探索你的宇宙:随机APOD生成器
What dark structures arise within the Pelican Nebula? On the whole, the nebula appears like a bird (a pelican) and is seen toward the constellation of a different bird: Cygnus, a Swan. But inside, the Pelican Nebula is a place lit up by new stars and befouled by dark dust. Smoke-sized dust grains start as simple carbon compounds formed in the cool atmospheres of young stars but are dispersed by stellar winds and explosions. Two impressive Herbig-Haro jets are seen emitted by the star HH 555 on the right, and these jets are helping to destroy the light year-long dust pillar that contains it. Other pillars and jets are also visible. The featured image was scientifically-colored to emphasize light emitted by small amounts of heavy elements in a nebula made predominantly of the light elements hydrogen and helium. The Pelican Nebula (IC 5067 and IC 5070) is about 2,000 light-years away and can be found with a small telescope to the northeast of the bright star Deneb. Explore Your Universe: Random APOD Generator
© Adriano Almeida