(原标题: Expanding Plume from DART's Impact)
浏览次数: 17
如果你把宇宙飞船撞向小行星会发生什么?在上周发生的美国宇航局DART飞船和小行星Dimorphos的事件中,你会得到相当大的羽流。这次计划中的撞击的目的是保护行星——表明小行星的路径可以稍微改变,所以,如果操作得当,一颗巨大的太空岩石将会与地球擦肩而过。然而,羽流的高亮度是许多人意想不到的,这意味着什么仍然是一个研究主题。一种可能性是,170米宽的Dimorphos主要是一颗碎石堆小行星,撞击分散了碎石堆中的一些碎石。这段特色的延时视频时长约20分钟,拍摄于法国留尼汪岛上的莱斯梅斯天文台,位于非洲南部东南海岸。地球上有许多观测站在追踪这次撞击,最初的点主要是Dimorphos更大的同伴:小行星Didymos。最近,图像显示Didymos - Dimorphos系统已经形成了类似彗星的尾巴。DART对二模虫的影响:提交给APOD的值得注意的图像
What happens if you crash a spaceship into an asteroid? In the case of NASA's DART spaceship and the small asteroid Dimorphos, as happened last week, you get quite a plume. The goal of the planned impact was planetary protection -- to show that the path of an asteroid can be slightly altered, so that, if done right, a big space rock will miss the Earth. The high brightness of the plume, though, was unexpected by many, and what it means remains a topic of research. One possibility is that 170-meter wide Dimorphos is primarily a rubble pile asteroid and the collision dispersed some of the rubble in the pile. The featured time-lapse video covers about 20 minutes and was taken from the Les Makes Observatory on France's Reunion Island, off the southeast coast of southern Africa. One of many Earth-based observatories following the impact, the initial dot is primarily Dimorphos's larger companion: asteroid Didymos. Most recently, images show that the Didymos - Dimorphos system has developed comet-like tails. DART Impact on Dimorphos: Notable images submitted to APOD