NASA 天文图片日历


NGC 7331特写

(原标题: NGC 7331 Close Up)


浏览次数: 15

巨大而美丽的螺旋星系NGC 7331经常被吹捧为与我们的银河系类似。NGC 7331位于飞马座北部,距离我们大约5000万光年,它很早就被认为是一个螺旋状星云,实际上是查尔斯·梅西耶著名的18世纪星表中没有包括的较亮的星系之一。由于星系的圆盘向我们的视线倾斜,长时间的望远镜曝光通常会产生强烈的深度感。这张哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的特写镜头跨度约4万光年。这个星系壮丽的旋臂上有昏暗的尘埃带,由大质量年轻恒星组成的明亮的蓝色星团,以及活跃恒星形成区域发出的红色光芒。明亮的黄色中心区域拥有大量年龄更大、温度更低的恒星。像银河系一样,一个超大质量黑洞位于螺旋星系NGC 7331的核心。


Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our own Milky Way. About 50 million light-years distant in the northern constellation Pegasus, NGC 7331 was recognized early on as a spiral nebula and is actually one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles Messier's famous 18th century catalog. Since the galaxy's disk is inclined to our line-of-sight, long telescopic exposures often result in an image that evokes a strong sense of depth. This Hubble Space Telescope close-up spans some 40,000 light-years. The galaxy's magnificent spiral arms feature dark obscuring dust lanes, bright bluish clusters of massive young stars, and the telltale reddish glow of active star forming regions. The bright yellowish central regions harbor populations of older, cooler stars. Like the Milky Way, a supermassive black hole lies at the core of spiral galaxy NGC 7331.
