(原标题: North America and the Pelican)
浏览次数: 13
我们这个美丽星球的粉丝可能会认出这些宇宙云的轮廓。在左边,明亮的发射物被黑暗、模糊的尘埃带勾勒出来,似乎是一个大陆的形状,这给了这个发射区域一个通俗的名字,北美星云,编目为ngc7000。在北美洲星云东岸的右边,是IC 5070,它的鸟类轮廓让人联想到鹈鹕星云。这两个明亮的星云距离地球大约1500光年远,是同一个大型复杂恒星形成区域的一部分,几乎和更著名的猎户座星云一样近。在这个距离上,3度宽的视野将跨越80光年。这幅仔细的宇宙肖像使用窄带图像组合,突出了明亮的电离前沿和原子氢和氧气的特征辉光。这些星云可以在黑暗的地方用双筒望远镜看到。在天鹅星座的明亮恒星天津四的东北方向,在北方夏夜的天空中翱翔。
Fans of our fair planet might recognize the outlines of these cosmic clouds. On the left, bright emission outlined by dark, obscuring dust lanes seems to trace a continental shape, lending the popular name North America Nebula to the emission region cataloged as NGC 7000. To the right, just off the North America Nebula's east coast, is IC 5070, whose avian profile suggests the Pelican Nebula. The two bright nebulae are about 1,500 light-years away, part of the same large and complex star forming region, almost as nearby as the better-known Orion Nebula. At that distance, the 3 degree wide field of view would span 80 light-years. This careful cosmic portrait uses narrowband images combined to highlight the bright ionization fronts and the characteristic glow from atomic hydrogen, and oxygen gas. These nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location. Look northeast of bright star Deneb in Cygnus the Swan, soaring high in the northern summer night sky.
© Frank Sackenheim