(原标题: Stargate Milky Way)
浏览次数: 15
天上有一扇巨大的星门,你一天要经过两次。星际之门实际上是我们的银河系,是地球的自转推动着你穿过它。更典型的是,我们银河系的中央带看起来像一条横跨天空的微弱带,只有在远离明亮的城市灯光时才能看到。然而,在这样一个黑暗的地方拍摄的长时间曝光广角图像中,银河系的中心平面很容易被看到。这张特色照片是在同一个晚上用同一台相机拍摄的多次曝光的数字合成照片,但采用了立体投影,使银河系看起来像一个巨大的圆形门户。在我们银河系星门般的弧线内,有一条微弱的条纹,叫做黄道光——太阳系尘埃反射的阳光。前景是在智利高原沙漠崎岖地形中发现的仙人掌和干岩石,距离El Sauce天文台和发展中的Vera Rubin天文台不远,后者预计将于2024年开始日常运作。
There is a huge gate of stars in the sky, and you pass through it twice a day. The stargate is actually our Milky Way Galaxy, and it is the spin of the Earth that appears to propel you through it. More typically, the central band of our Milky Way appears as a faint band stretching across the sky, only visible in away from bright city lights. In a long-exposure wide-angle image from a dark location like this, though, the Milky Way's central plane is easily visible. The featured picture is a digital composite involving multiple exposures taken on the same night and with the same camera, but employing a stereographic projection that causes the Milky Way to appear as a giant circular portal. Inside the stargate-like arc of our Galaxy is a faint stripe called zodiacal light -- sunlight reflected by dust in our Solar System. In the foreground are cacti and dry rocks found in the rough terrain of the high desert of Chile, not far from the El Sauce Observatory and the developing Vera Rubin Observatory, the latter expected to begin routine operations in 2024.
© Maxime Oudoux