(原标题: Webb's Southern Ring Nebula)
浏览次数: 26
编号为NGC 3132的南环星云是一个行星状星云,是一颗离地球约2500光年的垂死的类太阳恒星的死亡裹尸布。由气体和尘埃组成的令人惊叹的宇宙景观直径近半光年,詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜以前所未有的细节进行了探索。在这张NIRCam图像中,靠近中心的明亮恒星是垂死恒星的伴星。在相互的轨道上,经过数千年的转变,喷出星云气体和尘埃外壳的那颗恒星是较暗的恒星伙伴。这颗逐渐变成白矮星的暗淡恒星沿着衍射峰向8点钟方向延伸。这对恒星的轨道运动导致了南环星云内部复杂的结构。
Cataloged as NGC 3132 the Southern Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula, the death shroud of a dying sun-like star some 2,500 light-years from Earth. Composed of gas and dust the stunning cosmic landscape is nearly half a light-year in diameter, explored in unprecedented detail by the James Webb Space Telescope. In this NIRCam image the bright star near center is a companion of the dying star. In mutual orbit, the star whose transformation has ejected the nebula's gas and dust shells over thousands of years is the fainter stellar partner. Evolving to become a white dwarf, the faint star appears along the diffraction spike extending toward the 8 o'clock position. This stellar pair's orbital motion has resulted the complex structures within the Southern Ring Nebula.