(原标题: Milky Way over French Alp Hoodoos)
浏览次数: 16
真正的城堡没有这么古老。背景星系甚至更古老。照片中的岩石尖顶看起来有点像外星城堡,被称为hoodoo,可能有数百万年的历史。虽然很罕见,但在世界各地都能发现,当致密的岩石减缓下面较软岩石的侵蚀时,就会形成水坑。照片中的女帽生存在法国阿尔卑斯山脉,她们被命名为Demoiselles coiffsames——翻译成英语就是“有发型的女士”。背景星系是我们银河系中央圆盘的一部分,其中包含的恒星通常有数十亿年的历史。上镜的天鹅座天空区域——富含尘埃的乌云和红色发光的星云——出现在hoodus的上方和后面。这张特色图片分两个阶段拍摄:前景是在傍晚的蓝色时段拍摄的,而背景是在当晚晚些时候从同一地点拍摄的。
Real castles aren't this old. And the background galaxy is even older. Looking a bit like an alien castle, the pictured rock spires are called hoodoos and are likely millions of years old. Rare, but found around the world, hoodoos form when dense rocks slow the erosion of softer rock underneath. The pictured hoodoos survive in the French Alps and are named Demoiselles Coiffées -- which translates to English as "Ladies with Hairdos". The background galaxy is part of the central disk of our own Milky Way galaxy and contains stars that are typically billions of years old. The photogenic Cygnus sky region -- rich in dusty dark clouds and red glowing nebulas -- appears just above and behind the hoodoos. The featured image was taken in two stages: the foreground was captured during the evening blue hour, while the background was acquired from the same location later that night.
© Benjamin Barakat