NGC 3572和南蝌蚪
(原标题: NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles)
浏览次数: 13
这张宇宙天空景观的特征是NGC 3572年轻恒星旁边的发光气体和黑暗尘埃云。它是一个美丽的发射星云和星团,航行在船底座的遥远南部天空中。NGC 3572的恒星位于望远镜框架的顶部中心,在星团的估计距离为9000光年的情况下,该望远镜框架的直径约为100光年。可见的星际气体和尘埃是星团出生分子云的一部分。星云内密集的物质飘带,受到恒星风和辐射的侵蚀,明显地远离了充满活力的年轻恒星。它们很可能是正在形成恒星的地方,形状让人想起IC 410的蝌蚪,这是北方天文爱好者更熟悉的。在未来的数千万年到数亿年里,星团中的气体和恒星将被引力潮汐和剧烈的超新星爆炸所驱散,这些爆炸将结束大质量星团恒星短暂的生命。
This cosmic skyscape features glowing gas and dark dust clouds along side the young stars of NGC 3572. A beautiful emission nebula and star cluster it sails far southern skies within the nautical constellation Carina. Stars from NGC 3572 are toward top center in the telescopic frame that would measure about 100 light-years across at the cluster's estimated distance of 9,000 light-years. The visible interstellar gas and dust is part of the star cluster's natal molecular cloud. Dense streamers of material within the nebula, eroded by stellar winds and radiation, clearly trail away from the energetic young stars. They are likely sites of ongoing star formation with shapes reminiscent of the Tadpoles of IC 410 better known to northern skygazers. In the coming tens to hundreds of millions of years, gas and stars in the cluster will be dispersed though, by gravitational tides and by violent supernova explosions that end the short lives of the massive cluster stars.
© Carlos Taylor